As I came home last week to the farm for one night, there were quite a few treats awaiting my arrival. It had been 36 days and nights since I was away from home. There were a selection vibrant wines from Rioja for Charlie and I to share with friends and family. Cannot wait to be back at the farm, so I can cook, and we can host some dinners and share them. And then there was this package, with three issues of Organic Gardening. Why are they here? Who sent them? What prompted this?
And then I discovered this note with one of the magazines. I was just TOO busy reading through the one with the chicken on the cover. Not any chicken, but one of Charlie and my favorite chicken breeds, Appenzeller Spitzhauben. What a great cover photograph with that handsome chicken! That alone told me that this was not any oridinary magazine.
But who is Ethne Clarke? I know she is the editor-in-chief of the magazine, but why a package sent our way? Does she know I love chickens? Does she know about our farm? Have I met her at a conference or some such? So many questions racing through my mind.
Is this common practice for publishers/editors to indulge in to add subscribers? What a charming and convincing way to add to your subscriber base.
But I must say, having never even known that such a magazine exists, I will be back in India later this week and get Charlie to subscribe to it for us. It is a gorgeous magazine. Great layout. Wonderful photographs (I am very visual) and easy to follow text.
If you do not know the magazine, get a copy or two. You will be encouraged to plant, enjoy gardens and even eating better. And if you do get it already, shame on you for not letting me know about this wonderful magazine sooner.
Wasn't me! I only leave strange doormats!
Posted by: Sally | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 06:11 AM
we know who it was.
The very kind editor-in-chief of the magazine.
I was wondering what prompted these magazines.
Think I have finally understood why.
Once I have verified the facts, I will share.
Posted by: suvir saran | Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 11:36 AM
I have to say it...coming home to Charlie must be something wonderful. You're a lucky man Chef!
Posted by: Anthonysgodfather | Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 11:00 PM
Are you implying I was comparing coming home to Charlie to the magazines, D? You are bad.
And yes, Charlie is a wonderful partner to come home to. He is very thoughtful and very kind. Makes my life very comfortable and organized.
Posted by: suvir saran | Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 10:24 AM
Organic Gardening magazine...I read this over 20 years ago when I was in high school. Organic gardening has been around for many years. It is now that it is becoming in vogue and coming into its time. How nice to see... I have also seen organic methods permeate the landscaping and tree care industries too, of which i have been a part for over 20 years. Using compost tea for your trees is now very trendy and so much in the right direction.
If you grow your plants, food, trees in horrible soil, then what you get will not be if you grow in healthy soils, then what you get out of it will be...
I believe in organic gardening. I have compost tea applied to my landscape several times per year and see the results.....
Yup, read those magazines. They are inspiration!
Posted by: Bonnie Deahl | Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 08:01 PM
In India we would put tealeaves after they were used in the rose beds. What do you use them for Bonnie?
Have you been subscribing to the magazine all these years? Have you seen any change in it? They brought in a new very dynamic editor-in-chief and I have heard it changed the entire look and feel and success of the magazine. Good for them. I must say I was shocked by the wonderful quality and look of the magazine. I had no idea about it. And now I LOVE it. Always wonderful to discover good quality things in life.
Posted by: suvir saran | Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 11:56 PM
I don't think I was implying that Suvir. One never knows though.
I spent the weekend in glorious Lake Tahoe (for a skating competition.) Something about my old age has made that party of the world much more appealing. I was very sad to come home. The friend of a good friend of mine (another skater) recommended his favorite restaurant - ON THE LAKE - literally. A very talented young chef and his wife own/run the place. Delicious organic and sustainable cuisine - followed by dessert and a sunset to swoon over. Too bad I had no one to swoon with. It was still heavenly! xo
Posted by: Anthonysgodfather | Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 12:32 AM
When the time is ripe that too shall happen D. Enjoy your experiences, even if alone for now. At least you are able to enjoy something beautiful. There are many that do not even have that good fortune.
Posted by: suvir saran | Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 12:34 AM
I have not subscribed for many years but i may want to begin again. Too many cooking mags now so need to rogue out to just my favorites and add Organic Mag...I am intrigued..
Tea leaves would go into the garden as compost around plants. A healthy soil biology exists when we cultivate our soil and mulch around plants with materials that will break down in a timely way and return nutrients to the soil. Sustainability is becoming a new thing nowadays, but has been around for ages...
Posted by: Bonnie Deahl | Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 05:40 AM