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Saturday, June 12, 2010


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Ah, I am missing the farm. Will be making the trek this week to cook rabbits with Charlie! And you are so right, we have to treasure every day of spring/summer, but winter we can take for granted because there is so much of it!

suvir saran

I will miss cooking with you both. Have fun cooking the rabbits. Take photos... and email me about the experience.

Enjoy the summer!

Stephanie Rigione

How is Monkey Business doing?

suvir saran

What made you think of Monkey Business? He is well, thanks for asking.


You were very much missed as we were cooking the bunnies - there was a fair amount of butchering to be done, which we totally butchered! But the results were amazing, truly!
Who is Monkey Business? Some offspring of Romeo, already??

suvir saran

Monkey business is one of our neutered male goats, also called wethers. He is adorable. Maybe next time you will spend some time enjoying the farm. I am sorry we always have you working away and cooking and prepping and cleaning. You are too much of a family member. Be a visitor next time.


Are you joking? I would much rather be part of the family, busy in the kitchen, than sitting around doing nothing. It is not in my nature to loaf about - I think I drove Charlie crazy sometimes in my eagerness to move to the next step. Thank goodness he was the "brakes" of the operation, making sure everything was accurately recorded! I had so much fun and felt totally relaxed and happy for the first time in a month.


I must say I'm afraid to dive off that dock after Charlie's heroic turtle story this past weekend. Is it safe for geese and human toes alike now? This is why I've always worn sneakers when swimming in fresh water. I can't help but hear strains of "Jaws". lol. It was wonderful having you two in CT!

suvir saran

The geese have been safe for the last couple of years.
They were killed en masse at the very beginning of our move to the farm, and soon after they came to us as goslings. Charlie took care of the snapping turtle situation as soon as we were presented with it.

Read the post above and you shall realize that Charlie tackles situations promptly and without fear. He has been exceptional in how he has adapted to farm life and how quickly he has grasped the many layers of stuff that happens.

I am sure the pond is safe for humans as well. But I would never jump into it, especially knowing that we have our beautiful and loving geese and ducks enjoying it all day long.

Smart of you to wear sneakers in ponds. Other locals tell us they do the same. As a precaution against snapping turtles.

We loved being at the Silo and to be teaching alongside you Mary. You are wonderful and so very generous of your time to the Hunt Hill Farm and to the students. Thanks for two great classes and this opportunity. Hope you were not disappointed.

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