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« Homesick! Where am I? What am I craving? | Main | Summer is finally here! »

Friday, June 11, 2010


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It is an excellent question you pose Suvir. What would any of the holy deity's think of our world today? I don't know that I want the answer. Or perhaps they would give us a much more philosophical answer then we bargained for. :-)

suvir saran

You are right.... they would certainly speak or write in heavy prose. May not go well with the world we live in, where soundbites rule supreme. Everything is edited beyond belief, to make sense to who knows whom, but I am told to millions more than I would imagine.

The young man with his arms folded? You have quite an eye I must say. I did not even notice him till I checked each photograph looking for someone with their arms folded. WOW! Did you ever consider being a visual merchant? It is all about noticing details that most would miss.


I am certain this still stands:
A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people..................Mohandas Gandhi

Visual merchant? Does such a thing exist? I'm up for anything.


suvir saran

Visual Merchandisers are the magicians that make a beautiful store look that way. They also plan the windows most often of stores that do beautiful ones.
You may want to interview for a visual merchants job.

I am sure you will find your soulmate when the time is ripe.

And yes, I agree with the Mahatma in his saying above. It is this undying love for India, and that deeply felt Indian-ness in the hearts and souls of the people that make it their home, that makes India so special, even in mad chaos and sometimes very annoying lack of order.


Got it. After 43 years of being on the ice I have my dream job (after kissing many " job frogs.") So a new career I am not looking for. I do appreciate the thought as my job is very visual (and a hundred other things as yours is) of making sure all of those beautiful skaters, young and old, are getting the best we have to offer.


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