2020 couldn’t begin on a better note for us. We find ourselves safely at home in New Delhi. Surrounded by loved ones. Pooches at our side. Living in a new home, built on land where the home of my birth existed before. Finding ourselves comfortable in the city that I left at 19, when I went to school in Manhattan. The city to which I came back yearly when going back home to family. A city that is as old as history and as richly diverse and full of opportunities as the best in the world. New Delhi is the capital of India, it is a cultural hub, and it is now home to my new baby, The House of Celeste, my restaurant in Gurgaon.
2018 and 2019 were years that brought many new challenges to the fore. Hardships faced, strengths gleaned, relationships solidified, new friendships kindled, health lost, health regained, opportunities galore, victories celebrated. Two years passed by quickly, but not without much introspection and reflection. Two long years that brought with them lessons that can only be gleaned after having taken on the vicissitudes of life with utmost fortitude.
What kept me going was the steadfast love, support, trust, respect and confidence of my family and loved ones. Always at my side. Nursing me to heath, fighting for my recovery, being advocates for my care and my welfare. My mother, Charlie, my peerlessly kind and generous siblings (Seema & Ajit as well as nephew Karun and Samir and Katharina), Mother Burd, Smita and Rahul Bhaiya, Mohit, and Shivani, Ellen, Aamir, Marina, our close friends and family—they provided kind nurturing, wholesome care, and pillars of strength and support that held us together and kept me from flailing whilst in failing health.
Barely able to see, and still not gifted with the balance needed to walk with assured safety from falling, I had my family supporting me as I dreamt about cooking and living again, feeding and sharing, reading and writing, talking and teaching. Work began on my restaurant and next book—both of which are now ready to mingle with the planet at large.
My restaurant partners believed in me without ever having tasted my food. They put their bets on the reputation and legend. The people of India put their faith and trust in me in ways unknown anywhere today. Their confidence in my abilities greater than my own confidence in my surviving my ailments. The more they entrusted me with their committed support, the more I found myself defeating my health issues and finding new life inside to live and dream. There is much to be said about the curing powers of love and trust. They are what came to my rescue and gave me the most fascinating muse I could have wished for in the most trying of times.
My team at The House Of Celeste is as dreamy as they get. From the incredible cleaning crew, the dedicated and hardworking dishwashers, the inspired bar tenders, the courteous wait staff, the hosts that greet and seat with warmth, the managers in the front and the back, the talented and caring chefs—each one more brilliant, decent, kind, generous and caring than the other—they make working at the restaurant a blessing unlike any other. The near equal mix of women and men make our team a refreshing departure from industry norm. It also makes our lot a lively one and one that is peerlessly gifted. I am eternally grateful for their hard work and their sweat.
My new book, Instamatic, is as much a book of my musings and reflections on life as it is a documentation of my life as I went from being struck by a mini stroke to my recovery. The journey had me at a loss for words, sight and movement. But although I was disabled, I was living. I too had hopes, and I also had desires and dreams. I realized during this journey how fortunate I have always been. I realized how countless many live with so much less than I take for granted, and yet are always smiling and most considerate and kind to and of others. My publisher and his wife, their team and their belief in my words, my photographs and my ability to share something meaningful with others made me believe in myself at a time when I was not wanting to believe in anything. Aamir Rabbani gave the book a soulful design and also the connection that it needed to illustrate how the book connected to my life, my travels, my cooking, and the feeding of my soul. He also played equal parts editor, assistant and champion. Ellen Tarver gave me tireless hours reading, editing and encouraging. Always ready and always inspired and inspiring. Without these champions my last year and a half would have been rather long and gloomy. The book comes out at late winter and with that I will give birth to my fourth book—the first that is not a cookbook.
Charlie and I are settling into our home in New Delhi. A home that connects me happily to my earliest days on this earth. A home my family made possible for us, and where new memories shall come to form and where new energy is inspiring me for our tomorrows and the days after. Living in close proximity to my mom, brother and sister-in-law is nothing we take lightly. It has been a rare blessing and one that I thank my stars for daily. We feel fortunate, and we hope to use the comfort we feel to create more heartily and share more robustly.
2020 begins a new year, it launches a new restaurant and book, it sees us living in a new home. Much that is new comes to form. Much renewal has led to this moment. Most of all, it is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, as also a new decade. Such moments come rarely in one’s life. When they do, they bring much hope and promise with them. It is our desire to capture as much out of the possibilities life is sending our way and to turn them into blessings we can find strength in and also bring strength and comfort to others.
If you find yourself in India, do come and dine with us at The House of Celeste. If you want to read something that is equal parts verbal and visual, grab Instamatic and follow me through my journeys to different parts of the world. Most of all, know that the years thus far have been precious blessings that we are most grateful for. And that we believe that the year ahead and those that follow will be similarly most inspired and inspiring. Happy 2020 and Happy New Decade to all!
Suvir (and Charlie)
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