My wish list this Spring, is based on the "Haft Seen". Hope these wishes come true for all, not just me.
May wheatgrass bring you a rebirth of ideas and self, as you want and desire. May it continue to keep you inspired and remain inspiring. May you never be at a loss for renewal in any way, shape or form.
May gold coins beckon prosperity with which you can better all lives around you, and ensure that the least amongst us see better lives and richness, so as to further bless your own life and this world.
May sumac bless you with the brilliance and brightness of the rising sun, wherever you are and travel.
May vinegar gift you the patience of an inclusive, kind and compassionate person and give you the gift of mindfulness.
May decorated eggs keep your mind, body and spirit fertile and feeling lively at all times.
May the flickering candles keep you and yours enlightened, bright and forward thinking, with respect for the past and all humanity.
May apples always keep you healthy and happy, blessing you with a fulsome long life.
May cakes and pastries, add sweetness and satiety at every turn of your life. Giving you the ability to sweeten the experience of life for yourself and all around you, wherever you are.
May the savory brilliance of garlic keep you always content and grounded, and blossoming with a sense of belonging as you grow from strength to strength.
May the fruit of the oleaster keep you feeling loved always, and find all your life's desires see fulfillment.
May the poetry of Omar Khayyam, Hafez, Rumi, Khusrau and other great poets and thinkers, keep your life inspired, at peace with self, and in harmony with others.
Wishing you peace, happiness, good health, and joy this new year.
To read more about Haft Seen and Norooz, continue reading